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Beating time-to-market in an era of uncertainties – some solutions to accelerate game development

October 31 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Time-to-market is becoming more and more of a key concept. The time when we could work 5+ years on a AAA before we could see whether it would reach its audience has shown its limits: cheap financing as dried up, UGC-educated audiences are in constant lookout for novelty, immediate and unlimited distribution solutions have made the traditional distribution cycles redundant, and making a good game isn’t just good enough anymore to secure a place in the sun. Success — across all segments — now hinges on swift iteration and rapid market feedback. But how can we expedite time-to-market without compromising quality or bursting budgets? Is there a way to break the time-budget-quality deadlock and simply go faster? Join us as we explore a range of existing and emerging solutions, from strategic outsourcing and standardized tools to advanced AI implementations.


Nicolas Liorzou